2017 Goals


Call them what you like, but New Year’s resolutions or goals set the tone for the year ahead. They ensure you consciously review your lifestyle and make any necessary changes and adjustments to it. I am not one for new years resolutions, but where I can make the most of my life, I will. To me, new years resolutions shouldn’t be set in stone, but should rather be goals and aspirations for a better you that you work towards.

Here are a few of my goals for 2017…

Start a Weekly/Monthly Newsletter 

I love the idea of a newsletter – giving your readers a little more insight without a lengthy blog post. But the question is how often would you like to receive a newsletter and what would you like to see in them?

Eat More Vegetables

Vegetables. The word we all hated growing up. Ha! I do eat vegetables but not enough. There I said it.

My favourite veggies are sweet potato roasted whole in the oven where the skin becomes crispy and extra sweet. Then I love cauliflower and broccoli – yip I do! Some pumpkin and butternut are delicious too.

Bullet Journal

When I was small I bought myself a little notepad which I tried to turn into an organised journal. I didn’t have much to put in it, except “school” every day as well as sleepovers and get togethers with my friends. I treasured this little notepad and decorated it with koki-pens and highlighters. This notepad made me feel so mature. Ha!

Today I have a proper organised journal from Macaroon which is my little pride and joy. It doesn’t need decorating and personalising as it is so perfect already. My intentions this year is to be a lot more organised, aware of my daily tasks and become more conscious of my time and how I spend it. When there is so much to do in a day and 24 hours isn’t enough time, you need to be very organised! So I have started “bullet journaling” and let me tell you, that after a week, it is such fun.

A bullet journal is a a to-do list, sketchbook, notebook and diary, all in one. You will find more info here.

Drink More Herbal Teas

I drink coffee in the morning and only if I really need to then again in the afternoon. But now I want to drink more herbal tea. They have such wonderful health benefits and are so good for us. So what have I done to ensure this goal happens? Well I made a tea counter in my kitchen (next to the coffee counter). I bought a few glass canisters and put different teas in each. There is a canister for rooibos tea, chamomile tea, my absolute favourite apple and pear flavoured green tea, and one for peppermint tea. I find that making the selection easily accessible and visible to the eye will help a lot!

Catch Vitamin D Rays, Everyday

We’re always at our desk. And if we not at our desk then we’re at a coffee shop, in our car or in our homes on the couch. Vitamin D is so important for us and we don’t get enough of it. I’m not saying we must spend hours tanning, but rather go outside for 10 minutes a day. Vitamin D fights depression and ensures healthy bones, especially when you’re older. So I plan to head out for a bit of fresh air every so often with the intention of soaking up all the Vitamin D.

These are just a few of my 2017 goals.

How are you planning to make the best of your life in 2017?


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  1. Oh goodness, is your apple and pear green tea the Five Roses one? I have an apple and pear green tea which is literally the best tasting (and smelling!) green tea I’ve ever tried!

    I’ve actually been taking a Vitamin D supplement ever since my doctor told me that a lot of the issues I was battling were related to an exceptionally low Vitamin D level. Since then my body and mind have been functioning better than ever!

    I’m trying to follow on with the ‘be more organised’ goal, and so far I’m doing pretty well. I ordered a planner from Blush Paper Company and while it’s gorgeous, it has kept me super organised so far this year!


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