Ideas For A Super Fun Date Night



noun. informal.
A prearranged occasion on which an established couple, especially one with children,
go for a night out together.

In my house, date night is either a Thursday night or a Saturday night. Friday night is spent at home doing absolutely nothing. We get take aways, watch TV, spend time with Dooey and go to bed before the clock strikes 9. A Thursday night or a Saturday is a little different though. We make an effort to go somewhere exciting or do something fun.

I have put together a list of date night ideas that we enjoy and some worth a try.

♥ GAMES NIGHT: To some its called “bored games” but to me board games are so much fun. With a bottle of wine, some snacks and a round of friends, it could possibly be the most fun you’ll have in a while. 30 Seconds still tops my list of the best board games and now Rummikub With a Twist is a close second.

♥ GET CREATIVE: This is something a little different to the ordinary, but grab your better half and head to the nearest spot that offers ceramic painting and mosaic-ing. It is so much fun! Le bf and I have done it before at Color Cafe and we each painted our own coffee mug. I can’t wait to return and make a mosaic something for our home.

♥ POWER HOUR LUNCH: You can also have a date day. I know it doesn’t sound as good as “date night” but spending quality time with your loved one can be called anything. If time is of the essence and all you want to do is enjoy a good meal with your better half, then I suggest heading to Four Seasons The Westcliff in your lunch break and indulging in their Hour of Power Business Lunch (more info in this post). It will be the best hour of your life and you can thank me later 🙂

♥ HAVE A PICNIC: The most clichéd of cliché date ideas, but still one of my favourites. Grab a picnic basket, some of your favourite snacks, a bottle wine and take a drive out somewhere you have never been before. Or go to a park in the afternoon, in time for when everyone walks their pooches. We try do this often. But only because there is a park near us and on Sunday afternoons it is full of the most cutest dogs.

♥ BOUNCE: Bounce can be described as one giant indoor trampoline. You can read more about it here but let me just tell you, it is soooo much fun! And good exercise … Bonus! 🙂 We visited Bounce last year and felt like real kids again, bouncing around non stop. The best part is you don’t get tired. You just want to carry on and on. *Makes mental note to go again before the end of the year*.

♥ COOK TOGETHER: Yes, eating out is fabulous. But so is eating in! Especially when you make it fun! And by fun, I mean be totally hands on. Make homemade cocktails, homemade pasta, homemade dessert and ensure everything requires both of your specialities! And don’t forget to play some music 🙂

♥ STAYCATION: We all need a good escape to clear our minds but not all of us can just hop on a plane and do that. Book somewhere close by for a night away and you’ll feel refreshed, rejuvenated and romanced when you return. If you live in Joburg or Cape Town, here are a few ideas:


Urban Retreat: Fairlawns Boutique Hotel and Spa

Night of Ultimate Luxury: Palazzo Hotel

Country Retreat: Valley Lodge and Spa

Cape Town:

Winelands Escape: Franschhoek Boutique Hotel

City Escape: Cellars-Hohenort

♥ ESCAPE ROOM: This is like a puzzle room where you have to think together and work as a team to escape. We haven’t done this yet but I have heard how fun it is! Visit the website here or Google escape room to find one near you.


P.S. Comment below with other ideas and I’ll be sure to add them into this post.


  1. Love these ideas! It’s so easy to just settle into the “dinner and tv” routine…
    My husband works in hospitality so the time that we get to spend together is really precious to us – and we always try to find different things to do. There really are loads of fun and different (and inexpensive) things to do if you look around.
    He is usually off work on a Saturday day – so we have tried all the different food markets (always good for delicious impromtu picnics), the cableway at Haarties and loads of interesting exhibitions. It just takes a little pre-planning to see whats on… 🙂

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