My Favourite Flavoured Green Teas


because I dislike the taste of plain green tea.

Green tea is so healthy for us but I just cannot get used to the taste. I know it is an acquired taste that takes a bit of getting used to, but each time I try a cup, it tastes like (dirty) water from a fish tank. So this is the reason why I love flavoured green teas. The particular flavour of the green tea overpowers the taste of green tea yet you still reaping the health benefits.

I like to sip on my flavoured green teas throughout the day, because like I said, green tea is SO healthy and beneficial to our bodies (you can read the benefits here). After breakfast and then again in the afternoon. I have a shelf in my pantry just with different flavoured green teas. When I see a new one at the shops I have to buy it, taste it and add it to the shelf.

So because I love my flavoured green teas, I thought I would share with you my favourites. 


This Lychee Green Tea is by the famous green tea brand Eve. It is truly delicious as it has a tropical lychee flavour to it. It’s not often you find lychee flavoured anything, and lychee is one of my favourite fruit juice flavours, so this flavoured green tea definitely goes down well. It is also delicious served chilled with ice. In summer, it is superb!

Available from: Dischem.


Growing up, wasn’t peach iced tea your favourite drink? I know mine was. So just imagine now, as a grown up, peach iced green tea. Yip, it is a thing. Especially in summer. This flavoured green tea is a little on the sweet side, so I like to drink it when I have a craving for something sweet. It’s not one you can sip on throughout the day because it really is quite sweet in flavour, but it is totally delicious and really satisfying.

Available from: Tea and Coffee Emporium

apple and pear

This is the green tea I reach for most of the time. It is truly delicious and the flavour is just perfect. The apple flavour definitely outshines the pear and that is why I love it. I also like that it isn’t expensive – if I am not mistaken it is R22 for 20 teabags. If you’re looking to try a flavoured green tea, this is a must. I promise you, you will love this one!

Available from: your supermarket.


I searched high and low at every Woolworths for this tea and only recently did I find it. So like a normal person, I took five boxes just incase they disappear again. This tea apparently sells out very fast so you have to be quick and grab! Now I know why, it is absolutely delicious. The very first sip takes you to a tropical island destination and the aromas keep you there. It is divine!

Available from: Woolworths


The first time I had this green tea was a long time ago when I was in Hong Kong. It was so good that I promised myself I will find it again at a supermarket in Hong Kong the next time I visit. And so I did. I won’t say too much about this one though because unfortunately you don’t get this green tea in South Africa … But it is all the flavours of a tropical island.



  1. OOOHHH MMYYYY WOOORRDDD! When I saw this post pop up, I was all ‘this was written just for me!’

    I now have the Lychee, the Peach and that Green Tea and Coconut on my shopping list. I plan on doing lots of iced green teas this summer – they’re delicious and will help me get through water easier. I just battle drinking plain water grrrr!

    I’m so glad you like that 5 Roses Apple and Pear one – I’m on my second box, which is rare, as I have so many different flavoured teas that I very seldom repurchase one, in a bid to finish up my massive supply that I already have haha.

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