Pastel Shades ♥ Nail Tutorial


I can’t believe it is already the 1st of April – this year is just flying by! April means we already in the middle of Autumn which then means Winter is close by! But on a positive note, it also means Hello Easter. I don’t particularly celebrate Easter fully, but I do take advantage and indulge in all the Easter treats available, and I look forward to spending it with my family.

With Easter just around the corner, I’ve decided to do an Easter Inspired Manicure Tutorial. I am not very skilled at (advanced) nail art, so you can take it from me that this is super easy, and if I managed to do it then you can too.
When I think of Easter, I think of pretty pastel shades. So I decided to use these three shades:
♥ Essie – French Affair
♥ Essie – Blanc
♥ Essie – Mint Candy Apple

I started off by applying my base coat – I use OPI’s Nail Envy. I then applied the Mint Candy Apple, then the French Affair and then the Blanc, on the respective fingers shown in the picture below. You can use any three shades you like, or even just two, but just make sure they are pastel shades, otherwise the look of this manicure will be lost.

After painting my nails in the three different shades, I waited for them to dry. I must have waited about an hour as I wanted them dry to the touch, so that when I did the polka dots they wouldn’t smudge or dent. You have to have a steady hand to do the polka dots, which is kinda hard, but you get the hang of it. I then waited a few minutes and applied my top coat – I use the Mavadry by Mavala.

What do you think of this manicure? I think it’s super cute!

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  1. Love, love, love!!! You have the most perfect nails, come give me a mani! Haha!!!
    I’ll have to see if I can recreate this look with similar colors. 🙂

  2. I’ve just ordered Mint Candy Apple and seeing it look so lovely on you confirms that I made the right decision. Love all three colours!

  3. Haha, I’m on my way to you now to give you a mani – will you come fetch me from the airport? Aah I wish so much! Thank you so much! If you recreate this look, I’d love to see it 🙂 ♥

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