Book Club: What we’re reading this long weekend


I am sure you can agree with me here when I say this long weekend cannot come sooner! We have literally been counting down the days. All we want to do is relax, rest, read and basically do nothing for five whole days straight (yip, Monday included!). Our plans include drinking all the tea while reading all the books. Luckily, this is what le bf, Claude, plans on doing too, so we’re going to be doing just that.

These are the books we are going to be reading …


Claude is an avid sports fan (me, not so much) so he loves rugby and cannot wait to read this book. He also loves biographies, so this book has his name all over it.

Winging It is a biography about Jonathan Kaplan, a celebrated international rugby referee and former world record-holder for most Test caps. The story is about Jonathan’s decision to have a baby by surrogate and the two-year fertility process that followed as well as the birth of his son Kaleb.

Available from Exclusive Books for R285.


Another book on Claude’s list is Captive. Simply because he (and me) absolutely loves this African bush and this book looks brilliant!

The story is about a soldier turned wildlife veterinarian, Dr Graham Baird, who is no stranger to the dangers of the African bush. While on a trip to track down a baby elephant, he’s caught up in a deadly shootout with poachers. Caught up in his campaign of terror is Australian lawyer, Kerry Maxwell. She is in Africa to volunteer alongside Dr Baird at a wildlife rehabilitation centre, and soon finds herself in the middle of a bloody feud when she’s kidnapped by Costa, a corrupt politician and Mozambique’s poaching kingpin. Finding themselves on the frontline of the war on poaching, both Baird and Maxwell must fight for their lives if they are to escape a terrifying enemy . . .

Available from Exclusive Books for R292.


This is the first book I will be diving into this weekend. I cannot wait because I have read so many wonderful reviews on this very timely book. It is a book that is so relevant today because of the continuous school shootings that plague America.

“We went to school that Tuesday like normal.Not all of us came home . . .Huddled in a cloakroom with his classmates and teacher, six-year-old Zach can hear shots ringing through the corridors of his school. A gunman has entered the building and, in a matter of minutes, will have taken nineteen lives.In the aftermath of the shooting, the close knit community and its families are devastated. Everyone deals with the tragedy differently. Zach’s father absents himself; his mother pursues a quest for justice — while Zach retreats into his super-secret hideout and loses himself in a world of books and drawing. Ultimately though, it is Zach who will show the adults in his life the way forward — as, sometimes, only a child can.”

Available from Exclusive Books for R295.


From the author of one of my favourite books I have read (review here), Luckiest Girl Alive, this is a new thriller by Jessica Knoll. The story is about a pair of competitive and uber-successful sisters whose secrets and lies result in murder.

“Brett and Kelly Courtney are the shining jewels in a New York-based reality TV show called Goal Diggers. One of the most popular shows on American national television, its fiercely competitive cast of five self-made women are defined by their success, beauty and ruthless drive to reach the top by whatever means necessary. The Courtney sisters’ rivalry goes skin deep despite the blossoming business they have built together that helps disadvantaged women in Morocco. Harbouring bitter jealousies and dark secrets about their manufactured screen lives they’re joined by three other hyper-competitive women who all have their own agendas. And the latest season promises sparks to fly in the quest for even higher ratings. Vicious backstabbing, scathing social media attacks and finely-tuned scripting draw in the viewing public every week, all orchestrated by the show’s omnipotent producers. But even they don’t know that season 4 will end in murder . . .”

Not yet available.

I will be doing full reviews on these books, so stay tuned …


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